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Galaxy Deep Field Lens


Professional and amateur astrophotographers alike will love our new collection of deep field lenses. With quality housing, shake-eliminating focus barrels and world-class optics, you’ll be able to capture the Milky Way and our Solar System in all their magnificence. The extra wide angle and aperture provide outstanding quality and low noise. These pieces come with cleaning cloths and felt cases and a 12-month warranty.

If you’re new to photography, you may have heard the term ‘depth of field’, but might be still unsure of how it affects your shot set up. Even older, vintage cameras have features that allow you to increase or decrease depth of field.

Professional high quality cameras, tools, and accessories for today’s avid photographers.

What Our Customers are Saying

I don’t leave the house without my stylish camera. Thank you for your advice and assistance.

Beverly Mattingdale
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